Monday, March 18, 2013

After a long absence... Gluten free, low carb Cream of Broccoli Soup!

Let me start off by saying to those of you that followed me for the first few weeks of this blog, I am sorry that it has been so long!  Also, I apologize for the length of this blog, but I feel it important to share the back story and relevance of this great new go to recipe!  I have been creating a few new recipes of my own, but with some big life changes I have been relying on some of my go to sites for craving fixes.  Since my last posts, I have completed nursing school, passed my board licensing exam to receive my Registered Nurse license, began an internship program and got engaged! (Not in that order)  All including through the holiday season, whew!
Only 2 weeks into my internship, I am realizing a few things.  Nurses, for the most part, are not healthy eaters.  When we do actually get a chance to sit down and eat, it is not for very long.  With my low carb, gluten free lifestyle I have transitioned to, this is very difficult.  I have had a considerable decrease in the amount of fiber in my diet, and it has become mostly processed meats while I am on shift.  Thankfully, I keep a stash of healthy snacks in my bag, but still lacking the fiber.  On a typical day at home, my fiber sources are  steamed broccoli and salad.  Well, time constraints limit the microwave steamed broccoli, not to mention stove top steaming is far more tasty in my opinion.  Being in air conditioning all night, salad is not at the top of my want list in the middle of the night.  I think I have solved the problem.
I was making my usual bacon and eggs breakfast when I suddenly thought about the late nights working in restaurant management and grabbing a quick "healthy" meal of Cream of Broccoli soup.  Well, it is no secret that restaurant meals, for the most part, really aren't very healthy.  They are loaded with preservatives, fillers, carbs and absolutely gluten! Then I remembered back to my days as a nanny.  Being a nanny in a health driven household of two VERY busy parents, I had to get creative in my meal planning.  I once created my own cheesy chicken taco recipe, by mistake, just by scrounging together random ingredients.  It has been a long time since I have taken the leap to just go with it and create something delicious using my taste buds, brain and whatever is available, but I know the skills are buried in there for me somewhere.  So I went for it, creating a delicious gluten free, low carb Cream of Broccoli soup that this broccoli lover could make over and over.  This was fast and easy!

3 quarts fresh broccoli florets
1 cup water
1 tomato bouillon cube with chicken flavor (or chicken bouillon cube if that is your preference)
1/4 heavy cream
1 small onion, chopped
2 teaspoons salt (to taste)
1/4 teaspoon pepper (to taste)
1 cup Cheddar jack cheese, finely shredded

3 quarts saucepan
1 quart saucepan
1 blender

Put water in 1 quart saucepan over medium to high heat.  Allow water to get hot, not boiling, then add the bouillon cube.  While that is working away at dissolving, chop up the onion and add to the likely now boiling broth.  Continue over medium to high heat for 3-5 minutes, stirring frequently.  This will ensure that the bouillon cube is dissolved entirely.  Fill the 3 quart saucepan with broccoli florets and pour the broth with onion over the top.  Cover and let come to a boil.  Once boiling, remove the lid and continue cooking for 5-7 minutes.  Next, add the heavy cream, salt and pepper and continue over medium to high heat for an additional 7-10 minutes, or until broccoli is thoroughly cooked and slightly mushy.  Pour into blender and blend on low until blended.  This will likely take 5-10 seconds max.  Return to 3 quart saucepan over medium heat and add the shredded cheese.  Stir until well mixed and cheese is melted, remove from heat and enjoy!  I added a small dash of cheese on top, a dash of pepper and a dash of parsley.

This made approximately 4 servings.

Nutritional Info per serving:
Fat: 13.9 g
Protein: 11.7 g
Net Carbs: 4.9 g (8.1 total, minus 3.2 g fiber)